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Precision Energy Medicine

Everything is energy. If we zoom in and go beyond the human cell into the quantum level where the sub-atomical particles reside we can observe how directed energy can change and influence how these particles behave.

Have you already tried traditional mental health counseling? Are you looking for deeper meaning and purpose? Are you into personal development and growth? Do you sometimes feel that there is more to you, that you are holding onto something that you can’t quite identify and it is holding you back from reaching your deepest truest potential? Do you wonder if you have truly healed and if you have trapped emotions or hidden traumas being stored in your body waiting for you to release them? Do you have pain in your body? Do you feel anxious or worried that something is wrong but just don’t know what? Do you feel like you are cursed? Do you sabotage yourself no matter what you try? If you answered yes to any of these questions then Precision Energy Medicine may be for you.

What is Precision Energy Medicine?

Precision Energy Medicine is a cutting-edge approach that combines ancient energy healing practices with modern tools and methodologies to identify and address the root causes of physical, emotional, and energetic imbalances in the body. It is based on the principle that every individual has a unique energy blueprint, and by analyzing this blueprint, practitioners can uncover the hidden factors contributing to a person’s health challenges. We often explore generational traumas and epigenetics as well as environmental factors contributing to dis-ease.

The body knows how to heal itself but due to stress and the pressures of life it disconnects us from our innate wisdom and our body’s natural healing processes. With Precision Energy Medicine we can go to the precise area of the body and uncover your health story, finding the root cause or contributing factors to dis-ease in any and every system. We often work on the quantum level, in the subatomic particles where we can create the greatest change. Many people report feeling lighter after just one session.


Precision Energy Medicine can help you:

Release trapped emotions and traumas

Do you remember when your dad yelled at you when you were 10 years old? Did you know that you may still be holding on to that event along with it’s emotions and every time you feel similar it is stored in the same place in your body and that may be why you have issues in that area of your body? PEM can find it and release it in minutes.

You may be holding on to generational trauma and your ailments are manifesting through the epigenetics. We will be able to explore the epigenetics and release and recode them so they will no longer be passed down to your children and grandchildren.

Organize and optimize your body systems

Sometimes there are small little things that can throw off our entire system. with PEM we can find where the imbalance is, release emotions and energies that are getting in the way and then organize and optimize your body, mind, spirit to be able to run and function the way that it was made to.

For example say you had your gallbladder removed. Your body doesn’t understand its not there, it doesn’t know where to send the signals to continue the processes the gallbladder did. The PEM practitioner can go in and talk to the body and help it reorganize and optimize so it can communicate with the rest of the body again without the gallbladder.

Reduce Pain and chronic symptoms

Pain is our greatest teacher and it often carries messages for us that there is something underneath it. PEM is able to uncover the pain, find the contributing factors and release it with ease.

If you have chronic pain or a chronic ailment multiple sessions are needed to uncover the root of the symptoms and to work with the various body systems as there usually is a lot of energy, emotions, beliefs and traumas being stored. Your body will dictate the treatment and will tell the practitioner how many sessions you will need and when is ideal for you to do your next session.

Common questions about precision energy medicine

  • No, after your session your body is working on processing the signals and energy that has been sent for it to heal. Having someone else come in within 48 hours of your session to do energy work can undo or confuse your energy system on what it is suppose to be working on.

  • Set your intention, drink plenty of water, relax and be open to receiving the energy. Your innate wisdom will be communicating with Camille’s and together they will be doing the work.

  • Everyone is different on how they process the energy. 99% report feeling relaxed and lighter. You may feel tired. You are doing a lot of work on multiple layers and dimensions. You may have thoughts or memories from your past pop up after the session. You may feel emotions as they are releasing. Give yourself grace and allow yourself to feel.

It’s time to invest in YOU!